Charco del Palo diving photos
Apartments Charco del PaloDirk, one of our holiday guests since many years and also a big lover of diving, sent us some impressive photos, which were taken during his dives off the coast of Charco del Palo. Thanks Dirk!!
Fotos: copyright © by Dirk S.
p.s.: I wish I had not made too many errors with the translation of all the names of these animals here...
![Arrow Crab](gallerytauchen/pfeilkrabbe_small.jpg)
![Arrow Crab](gallerytauchen/pfeilkrabbe2_small.jpg)
![Monkey's Rock](gallerytauchen/affenfelsen_small.jpg)
![Electric Ray](gallerytauchen/electricray_small.jpg)
![Below the water](gallerytauchen/blue_small.jpg)
![Butterfly Ray](gallerytauchen/schmetterlingsrochen_small.jpg)
![Tiger Moraine](gallerytauchen/muraene_small.jpg)
![Red coral](gallerytauchen/rotokoralle_small.jpg)
![Lava reef](gallerytauchen/reef_small.jpg)
![Sea Horse](gallerytauchen/seepferdchen_small.jpg)